Those of you who blog,have you ever faced the dilemma of "To write or not to write" a particular topic!
There are so many articles I read which I want to write in my own words,expressions,interpretations but I feel the twinge of guilt for possibly being a plagiarist!.....................I feel awful taking on somebody else's idea & churning my own post out of it!
But then I saw this.......
I love love this...............the deep meaning behind these seemingly simple lines especially this one "Authenticity is invaluable,originality is non-existent"
Most of us bloggers are no writers,we just come here to pour our hearts out..................there are SO many times I have deleted my posts because I felt I was sounding like some other post I read & admired.................I need to let go & realize the fine line between copying & getting inspired enough to write it in your own words!
I blog for myself,my friends,YOU & I am sure you are not judging me by my posts ,the occasional poor grammar,the overtly simple unimpressive language,sometimes I have nothing to say but just rant about things not being as I want them to.............................sometimes I just DO NOT want to write anything & my blog sits like the neglected wife when the other things in life take over me like the possessive mistress!
How do I deal with it................I am learning to let things go,not get worked up if I don't post for a while,if my blog is not picture perfect,if my posts look like a shadow of another famous blog!
And at the same time accept that it is OK!.............I have no idea what triggered my mood to get serious & write this which I usually don't but I am learning that it is also OK to share by deeper darker thoughts with you all instead of the happy,lighter moments I usually do!

There are so many articles I read which I want to write in my own words,expressions,interpretations but I feel the twinge of guilt for possibly being a plagiarist!.....................I feel awful taking on somebody else's idea & churning my own post out of it!
But then I saw this.......
I love love this...............the deep meaning behind these seemingly simple lines especially this one "Authenticity is invaluable,originality is non-existent"
Most of us bloggers are no writers,we just come here to pour our hearts out..................there are SO many times I have deleted my posts because I felt I was sounding like some other post I read & admired.................I need to let go & realize the fine line between copying & getting inspired enough to write it in your own words!
I blog for myself,my friends,YOU & I am sure you are not judging me by my posts ,the occasional poor grammar,the overtly simple unimpressive language,sometimes I have nothing to say but just rant about things not being as I want them to.............................sometimes I just DO NOT want to write anything & my blog sits like the neglected wife when the other things in life take over me like the possessive mistress!
How do I deal with it................I am learning to let things go,not get worked up if I don't post for a while,if my blog is not picture perfect,if my posts look like a shadow of another famous blog!
And at the same time accept that it is OK!.............I have no idea what triggered my mood to get serious & write this which I usually don't but I am learning that it is also OK to share by deeper darker thoughts with you all instead of the happy,lighter moments I usually do!

Well said Priti. I think we all go through this to some degree or other over the lifespan of our blogging. Sadly there are some who just copy and paste and think nothing of what they've "stolen". The different between "them" and "us" is conscience. We know the difference between taking what someone else has done and being able to speak on the same topic with our own voice and our own authenticity. I really like that sentence from Godard..."it's not where you take things from -- it's where you take things to" -- that sums it up for me brilliantly. So speak your mind and your'll know that it's really you! xo write so well!
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