I was sooooo looking forward to Wednesday so I could do my
Inspire Me series!
Today's theme is
There is a reason I chose this theme.............
.I am petrified of Underwater!................believe me I am verrrry scared of being underwater!
Yes..........you will never see me frolicking on a beach side because of my inherent fear of water!................I taught myself how to swim but I am a strictly shallow end swimmer......................I swim with my eyes open & I constantly look at the thick white painted guide lines at the bottom of the pool.I am comfortable as long as the lines are visible but as I swim towards the deep end,the lines begin to fade,my heart starts beating faster,the rush of water scares me,I begin to panic & turn towards the safety of the shallow end!
I have probably dared only twice to swim all the way to the deep end (barely 15 feet),but knowing I can not stand even if I want to gives me the chills................my lungs start giving away & I start thrashing when I am perfectly capable of swimming!..................so I venture only till my legs can still reach the bottom of the pool like here!
This is a picture from our
holiday in Dubai:)
So getting back to today's theme,I want to list beautiful underwater pics to inspire me,give me courage so
MAYBE I will take that extra lap,not be so scared & enjoy the beauty of water!....................that is why I am choosing pics of HUMANS underwater,not sea-life...............they don't need to overcome their fear for water duh!?!
Maybe if my mum had done this while carrying me,I wouldn't have been such a chicken!.................yeah right blame it on mom;)
I have always felt my fear of being underwater partially stems from my being a fire sign.........I am a
Leo,but this cat seems to be doing well underwater!
Well if all fails,this will be my last resort to enjoy the underwater;)

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